Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Symptoms of Plant Nutrient Deficiency

Lack of one or more nutrients will result in plant growth is not as it should any abnormalities or deviations and many plants that die young.
Symptoms of this deficiency sooner or later will be seen on the plants, depending on the type and nature of the plant. There are plants that quickly show signs of deficiency or otherwise have a slow. In general, it will first look at the plants that make the greatest physiological activity that is in part the existing above ground, especially on leaves.
If no other factors that affect, then the signs of nutrient deficiency appear as follows:

1.Lack of nutrients nitrogen (N)

  • Green leaf color and slightly yellowish color on the rice plant is started from the tip of the leaf spread to the bone then change to yellow leaf complete, so the whole plant pale yellowish. Dead leaf tissue and is what causes the leaves then become dry and brownish red.
  • Slow and stunted plant growth.
  • The development of the fruit is not perfect or not good, often cooked before his time.
  • Can cause the leaves are full of fiber, this is because the thickness of the cell membrane while the cell itself leaves chopped into small pieces.
  • In circumstances of severe deficiency, leaves become dry, starting from the bottom continue to the top.
2. Lack of nutrients phosphorus (P)
  • Inhibition of growth of root system, stem and leaf.
  • Whole leaf color changed to dark green / grayish, shiny, often there is a red pigment on the lower leaves, then died. At the edge of leaves, branches and stems are purple red color which gradually changed to yellow.
  • Results of plants that form flowers, fruits and seeds to drop. Dwarf-dwarf fruit, look ugly and precocious.
3. Lack of nutrients Potassium (K)

Deficiency / Potassium deficiency is a bit difficult to know the symptoms, because these symptoms are rarely revealed when plants are young.
  •  The leaves turn into shrinking alias curl (for potato crop will be rolled up) and sometimes shiny, especially on older leaves, but not evenly. Furthermore, since the tip and the edge of the leaves appear yellow, the color of this kind appear also in between the bones in the end leaves the leaves look dirty spots (red brown), often stained sections this fall so the leaves look jagged and then die.
  • The trunk is weak and shallow, so the plants look stunted.
  • Fruit growing is not perfect, small, poor quality, the results are kept low and can not stand.
  • In the coconut and citrus plants, fruit easily fall.
  • For bulbous plants, the tuber is very less and thus low levels of hydrate ashes.
Especially for rice, the element Potassium deficiency symptoms can be explained as follows:
  •  Leaf
Leaves of rice plants potassium deficiency is green with many dark spots that resemble the color of rust. The spots were first appearing on the top of the old leaves, leaf tip and leaf edge into a burning (necrotic), reddish brown or yellow brown. Old leaves, particularly in the middle of the day will droop and young leaves curl upward and exhibit symptoms of water shortage.
  • Stem
Stem potassium-deficient rice plants will grow short and thin. And most rice varieties that lack of potassium is more easily fall down.
  • Root
Usually very limited root growth, root tip will grow thin and short, and the roots always tend Gelam and black color. Branch roots and root vines are very thin and always show symptoms of root rot.
  • Grain and panicle
Growth will be short and generally have a high percentage of void of fruit. Moderate amount of grain that contains for each helainya will be low, grains of rice will be small and irregular in shape, quality and weight of 1000 grains will be reduced, the percentage of grains that are not growing and not growing adult.

4. Lack of nutrients Calcium (Ca)
  • Young leaves change color in addition to wrinkles, on the tip and the edges chlorosis (turns yellow) and the color is creeping in among the bones of leaves, leaf tissues in some places dead.
  • Young buds that have grown to die.
  • Growth stunted roots system, less than perfect even often malformed.
  • Plant growth so weak and suffering.
5. Nutrient deficiency Magnesium (Mg)
  • Older leaves have chlorotic (turns yellow) and appear in between the bones of the leaf, while the bones themselves leaves remain green. Section between the bones that regularly leaves turned yellow with brownish red spots.
  • The leaves were easily burned by hot sun because they do not have a wax coating, so much has changed color to dark brown / black and shrunken.
  • In grain crops, the seeds grow less / weak, even if he keeps growing anyway so it will look very weak.
6. Nutrient deficiency Sulfur (S)
  • The leaves have chlorotic young (turns yellow), color change usually occurs in all young leaves, sometimes shiny whitish and sometimes the changes are not uniform but took place on the leaf more.
  • Leaf color change can also be yellow at all, so the plant looks yellow and leafy green, such as symptoms appear on leaves of tea plants in a few places in Kenya that the famous "Tea Yellow" or "Yellow Disease".
  • Plants growing late, dwarf, short-trunked and thin, fibrous plant stems, and small-diameter woody.
  • In the crop yield of sugar cane which causes low.
  • Limited number of tillers.
7. Nutrient deficiency Iron (Fe)
Deficiency (lack of) iron indeed rare. The occurrence of symptoms on plant parts (especially leaves) and then expressed as the availability of iron deficiency is due to unequal availability of substance Fe with calcium (Ca) in soil that is too much lime and alkalis. So this problem is a problem in areas where the land contains lime.
  • The symptoms appear on young leaves, first locally-local pale green or yellowish green, while the bones remain dark green leaves and network-network is not dead.
  • Later in the bone occurred leaf chlorosis, which had turned yellow, green and some are to be white.
  • Next, more severe symptoms occur in the dry season, young leaves much to be dry and falling.
  • Plant growth stalled as a result leaves start falling and eventually die from the top.

8. Nutrient deficiency Manganese (Mn)

Symptoms of deficiency Manganese (Mn) deficiency symptoms similar to iron (Fe) on the plant, namely:
  • In young leaves in between the bones and locally occur chlorosis from green to yellow to white hereinafter.
  • The bones leaves are still green, there are up to goto the sides of the bone.
  • Tissues at the leaf chlorosis die so that the practical parts of the dead, dried up, there are times that continue to mengeriput and some are falling, so the leaf looks menggerigi.
  • Become stunted plant growth, especially in vegetable crops tomato, celery, potatoes and others, as well as in citrus, tobacco and soybean.
  • In wheat plants, the center of the leaf blade is brown, then broken.
  • The formation of grain is less good (bad).
9. Nutrient deficiency Copper / Cuprum (Cu)

Nutrient deficiency Copper (Cu) is often found on organic soils are slightly acidic, the signs can be seen as follows:
  • In the leaves, especially the leaves of the young seemed to wilt and then die (die back), while the branches also change color to brown and die well.
  • Leaf tips often found unevenly faded, even sometimes chlorosis, although the network-network, nothing is dead.
  • In the citrus crop nutrient copper deficiency causes dark green leaves and large, brown and dead twigs, small pieces and brown.
  • On the fruit, fruit crops are generally small brown and the inside got a kind of adhesive (gum) .10. Lack of nutrients Zinc / Zincum (Zn).
a. Deviation of growth in the older leaves, namely:
* The shape is smaller and narrower than the general form
* Chlorosis occurs in between the bones of leaf
* The leaves die prematurely, and then starts falling from the leaves in the bottom leading to the top
b. In the paddy fields visible symptoms 2-4 weeks after planting, that is the bleaching in the middle of the leaf. Severe deficiency causes the leaves will not open
c. In the corn plant symptoms appear 1-2 weeks after seedlings appear above ground, young leaves show yellow stripes and continue to the bottom leaves turn yellow, while the edge of the leaf remains green
d. In the visible symptoms of peanut after 1-month-old plants, first in the tissue between the veins and visible yellowing and eventually only the leaf veins remain green. Dwarf plants and pods a little.

11. Nutrient deficiency molybdenum (Mo)
  • In general, the leaves changing, sometimes experiencing shrinkage prior to dry up and die. Dead shoots (die back) also commonly occur in nutrient-deficient plants Mo
  • Abnormal plant growth, particularly in vegetables. Leaves wrinkled and dry.
12. Lack of nutrients Borium (Bo)

Although Bo nutrients needed only a few plants for growth, but if this element is not available to the plant symptoms are quite serious.
  • The leaves of the young occurs chlorosis, a locally lower leaf surface which then gets spread edges. Dead leaf tissue.
  • Newly emerging leaves grow stunted, dead buds and colored black or brown.
  • Can cause physiological penyakir, particularly in vegetables, tobacco and apples. In fact, the corn cobs can cause completely seedless.
  • In tubers stunted growth, there are spots or black holes on the tuber.
  • In spinach and lettuce plants grown plant shoots are not perfect and black.
  • Celery stalk forming cracks and irregular lines of brown. Children celery leaf-spot stained brown.
13. Lack of nutrients Chloride (Cl)
  • Can cause symptoms that are less normal leaf growth mainly on vegetables, leaves appear less healthy and copper-colored.
  • Sometimes the growth of tomato, wheat and cotton show symptoms as above.


Ditulis Oleh : Admin Hari: 1:08 AM Kategori:

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