Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Making Compost Household Scale

One of the green lifestyle that we can carry out is to manage organic household waste, by making it into compost.

The compost is a fertilizer made from organic organic wastes.
Manufacturing is not too complicated, does not require a broad and does not require a lot of equipment and cost. Only requires a preliminary preparation, after that when it's routine, do not bother even besides reducing the waste disposal problem, the resulting compost can be used alone, does not need to buy.

Useful compost to improve soil structure, the necessary plant nutrients will be available. Microbes present in compost will help the absorption of nutrients that plants need. The land will become more loose. Plants are fertilized with compost will grow better. As a result the flowers grow, the page became beautiful and shady. Eve to be fresh because the oxygen generated by plants.

How Compost Happens

Naturally organic wastes will experience dissociation by various types of microbes, animals that live in soil, enzymes and fungi. This dissociation process requires certain conditions, namely temperature, air and moisture. The more suitable conditions, the faster the formation of compost, in 4-6 weeks already finished. If organic wastes are dumped, just months later into compost. In the composting process will occur krn heat of microbial activity. This is a sign of microbial munch organic material and turn it into compost. The optimal temperature composting remedy and should be preserved is too hot 45-65C.Jika should be inverted, at least every 7 days.


Inside the house (living room, dining room) and in front of the kitchen trash can provided two different colors for organic waste and non-organic waste. Required plastic tub or drum used for making compost. At the bottom was given a few holes to remove excess water. To keep moisture from the top can be covered with gunny bags or woven bamboo. Primary vessel composting to soil or paving blocks, so that excess water can seep down. Bak composting should not be subject to rain water, must be under roof.

How Composting

- Mix 1 part of green waste and 1 part brown trash.
- Add 1 part old compost or top soil (top soil) and mixed. Soil or compost containing active microbes that will work to process waste into compost. If there is animal manure (chicken or beef) can also be mixed.
- Making can be at once, or layer by layer for example every 2 days plus the new garbage. Every 7 days stirred.
- Composting is completed if the mixture becomes black, and no smell of garbage. At week 1 and to-2 microbes begin work describes a compost heap, so the temperature to about 40C. In the week of the 5th and 6th the temperature returned to normal, ready-made compost.
- If you need to be sifted to separate the rough. Rough compost can be mixed into a bath of composting as an activator.

Composting success lies in how we can control temperature, humidity and oxygen, so that microbes can obtain an optimal environment for breeding, is enough food (organic matter), humidity (30-50%) and fresh air (oxygen) to breathe.
Organic garbage should be chopped into small pieces. To speed up composting, bio-activator can be added to a solution of Effective Microorganism (EM) that can be purchased at the farm shop.


If every household waste sorting: an organic compostable, non-organic given to scavengers, then the government stayed manage the remaining 10% only, which can not be recycled. What a happy scavengers, if residents have to sort their trash, so they simply take paper, plastic etc.. that is not littered with food scraps, without rummaging through the trash (sorry) scrambled with dogs and cats. Working hours will be shorter, the money obtained will be more.
Composting can also be done collectively, if circumstances do not allow. For example, densely populated housing, or apartments. Management can be handed over to RW or private parties. However, each household still have to separate their garbage. So there is no need to landfill which require extensive soil and cause pollution problems, the danger of landslides, river siltation, disease, etc..


Ditulis Oleh : Admin Hari: 1:05 AM Kategori:

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